Language Constant logic

How language constants are created

This documentation is for Zen Cart 1.5.8 and above. The exact behavior specified here is fully implemented in Zen Cart 2.1.0, with some minor variances in 2.0.x and 1.5.8.

If you are not familiar with the new language file format for Zen Cart 1.5.8 and above, please see Developer Information on Array based Language files.

Language Constant Definition

In both the admin and the storefront environments, there are two groups of language constants:

  1. Those that apply globally, i.e. on every loaded page.
  2. Those that are page-specific.

The file-system sources for the associated language files is dependent on the environment (i.e. admin or storefront) in which your Zen Cart is currently running.


  • If a lang. file exists in the same directory as a ’legacy’ file (e.g. lang.stuff.php and stuff.php), the ’legacy’ file is not loaded, i.e. any definitions comes from the lang. file.
  • Files in all extra_definitions sub-directories are loaded in alphabetical order.
  • A zc_plugin must use the array-based, e.g. lang.stuff.php, format for any language files provided; any ’legacy’ files, e.g. stuff.php are ignored.
  • While a zc_plugin cannot override a base language file, e.g. lang.english.php, it can override constants defined in the base file via files in its extra_definitions sub-directory.
  • When zc_plugins language file(s) are loaded, each enabled plugin is checked in alphabetical order by based on its “Plugin Key” (e.g. DisplayLogs for the “Display logs” plugin).

(1) Admin Language Loading

For the admin, the language constants loaded depend on:

  1. The active language, e.g. english or spanish.
  2. The active page, referenced as {page-name} in this section.
  3. The presence of any language-related files in enabled zc_plugins.

The /admin/includes/languages and /zc_plugins/plugin_key/version/admin/includes/languages directories hold all .php files that provide a site’s admin language constants.

(1.1) Value-Definition Precedence

For the admin, the following precedence identifies the source of a given language-constant’s value:

  1. A value in a zc_plugins extra_definitions directory; otherwise …
  2. A value in the ‘base’ extra_definitions directory; otherwise …
  3. A value in a page-specific zc_plugins ‘base’ language directory, e.g. english/lang.{page-name}.php; otherwise …
  4. A value in a page-specific ‘base’ language directory; otherwise …
  5. A value in the ‘base’ language-file, e.g. lang.english.php; otherwise …
  6. A value in a ’legacy’ file (loaded from ‘base’ language directories only); otherwise …
  7. The constant is not defined.

(1.2) Loading Details TL;DR

The actual text associated with an admin language-constant is determined by language array files’ load order, with possible fallback to any ’english’ language files.

Once all the admin language arrays are loaded, language constant definitions are created for any definitions that don’t already exist. The last value for a language-constant overrides all previously-loaded values!

  1. The ‘base’ language file, e.g. lang.english.php is loaded.
    • If the active admin language is other than ’english’, that ‘base’ language file, e.g. lang.spanish.php is loaded.
  2. The language file for the current page, e.g. english/lang.{page-name}.php, is loaded.
    • If the active admin language is other than ’english’, the language-specific file (e.g. spanish/lang.{page-name}.php) is loaded.
  3. Any english/lang.{page-name}.php files found in enabled zc_plugins are loaded.
    • If the active admin language is other than ’english’, the language-specific (e.g. spanish/lang.{page-name}.php) files found in enabled zc_plugins are loaded.
  4. All lang.*.php files found in the english/extra_definitions directory are loaded in alphabetical order.
    • If the active admin language is other than ’english’, all lang.*.php found in the language-specific directory (e.g. spanish/extra_definitions) are loaded in alphabetical order.
  5. All lang.*.php files found in enabled zc_pluginsenglish/extra_definitions directories are loaded in alphabetical order.
    • If the active admin language is other than ’english’, all lang.*.php files found in enabled zc_plugins’ language-specific directories (e.g. spanish/extra_definitions) are loaded in alphabetical order.

(2) Storefront Language Loading

On the storefront, the language constants loaded depend on:

  1. The active language, e.g. english or spanish.
  2. The active template, referenced as template_dir in this section.
  3. The active page, referenced as current_page_base in this section.
  4. The presence of any language-related files in enabled zc_plugins.

The /includes/languages and /zc_plugins/plugin_key/version/catalog/includes/languages directories hold all .php files that provide a site’s storefront language constants.

(2.1) Storefront Global Language Constants

These constants are of two types:

  1. The “base” language constants.
  2. Extra language-constant definitions.

(2.1.1) Value-Definition Precedence

Storefront ‘global’ language-constants are defined using this basic precedence:

  1. A value in an extra-definitions template-override directory, e.g. /english/extra_definitions/template_dir/lang.stuff.php; otherwise …
  2. A value in a zc_plugins extra_definitions directory; otherwise …
  3. A value in a ‘base’ extra-definitions directory, e.g. /english/extra_definitions/lang.stuff.php; otherwise …
  4. A value in an additional ‘base’ language files (see 2.1.2 for the names of those files); otherwise …
  5. A value in the ‘base’ language file, e.g. lang.english.php; otherwise …
  6. A value in a ’legacy’ language file (loaded in the same order as above); otherwise …
  7. The language constant is not defined.

(2.1.2) Loading Details (TL;DR)


  • For a given language-constant, the last value loaded is what is used as the constant’s value.
  • Any file specifically named, e.g. /includes/languages/template_dir/lang.english.php, is loaded only if present.
  • In the lists that follow, any english language file(s) that do not have a superscripted note are always loaded.

For the loading descriptions that follow, let’s pretend that a site is dual-language, supporting english and spanish.

Loading Notes:

1 Loaded only if the current customer language is spanish.

2 Loaded only if the current customer language is english.

3 Prior to zc210, a constant found in a zc_plugin’s extra_definitions directory could not be overridden on the storefront. See this Zen Cart PR for details.

( Load Array Language Files

The storefront global (i.e. for every page) array-based language files are loaded in this order:

  1. Load /includes/languages/lang.english.php
  2. Load /includes/languages/lang.spanish.php1
  3. Load /includes/languages/template_dir/lang.english.php2
  4. Load /includes/languages/template_dir/lang.spanish.php1
  5. Each of the additional base language files (lang.email_extras.php, lang.header.php, lang.button_names.php, lang.icon_names.php, lang.other_image_names.php, lang.credit_cards.php, lang.whos_online.php and lang.meta_tags.php) are loaded in the order specified, looking in the following directories:
    1. Load /includes/languages/english/filename.php
    2. Load /includes/languages/english/template_dir/filename.php2
    3. Load /includes/languages/spanish/filename.php1
    4. Load /includes/languages/spanish/template_dir/filename.php1
  6. Load all lang.*.php files found in /includes/languages/english/extra_definitions
  7. Load all lang.*.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/english/extra_definitions3
  8. Load all lang.*.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/default3
  9. Load all lang.*.php files in /includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/template_dir2
  10. Load all lang.*.php files found in /includes/languages/spanish/extra_definitions1
  11. Load all lang.*.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/spanish/extra_definitions1, 3
  12. Load all lang.*.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/spanish/extra_definitions/default1, 3
  13. Load all lang.*.php files in /includes/languages/spanish/extra_definitions/template_dir 1
( Load ’legacy’ Language Files

Once all the array-based files have been loaded, ’legacy’ language files (which specify their language constants via PHP define statements) are loaded.


  1. If a lang. file exists in the same directory as a ’legacy’ file (e.g. lang.stuff.php and stuff.php), the ’legacy’ file is not loaded, i.e. all definitions come from the lang. file!
  2. ‘Legacy’ language files are not supported for zc_plugins!
  3. Any language-constant duplication in these loaded files will result in a PHP Warning when running on PHP 8.0 and later!

The storefront global (i.e. for every page) file-based language files are loaded in this order:

  1. Load /includes/languages/spanish.php1
  2. Load /includes/languages/template_dir/english.php2
  3. Load /includes/languages/template_dir/spanish.php1
  4. Each of the additional base language files (email_extras.php, header.php, button_names.php, icon_names.php, other_image_names.php, credit_cards.php, whos_online.php and meta_tags.php) are loaded in the order specified, looking in the following directories:
    1. Load /includes/languages/english/template_dir/filename.php2
    2. Load /includes/languages/spanish/filename.php1
    3. Load /includes/languages/spanish/template_dir/filename.php1
  5. Load all *.php files whose names do not begin with lang. found in /includes/languages/english/extra_definitions
  6. Load all*.php files whose names do not begin with lang. in /includes/languages/english/extra_definitions/template_dir2
  7. Load all *.php files whose names do not begin with lang. found in /includes/languages/spanish/extra_definitions1
  8. Load all*.php files whose names do not begin with lang. in /includes/languages/spanish/extra_definitions/template_dir 1
( Make Language Constants

Now that all the ’legacy’ language files have been loaded, all array-based language-constants are created via a PHP define statement — so long as the associated language-constant is not already defined.

(2.2) Storefront Page-Specific Language Constants

These constants are specific to the page being loaded, as recorded in $current_page_base. These language constants are loaded in a different manner than the global ones.

The difference in loading is to mimic the pre-zc158 ’legacy’ language-loading. For the account page, for instance, theaccount.php, file would be loaded, following by all other language files named account*.php — including the ‘core’ account_edit.php (and others) as well as extra page-specific files, e.g. account_something.php.

(2.2.1) Value-Definition Precedence

Storefront page-specific language-constants are defined using this basic precedence; see 2.2.2 for details:

  1. Load the ‘base’ page-specific array file, e.g. lang.{page-name}.php:
    1. If found in the ‘base’ template-override directory, e.g. english/template_dir/lang.{page-name}.php, use that; otherwise …
    2. If found in a zc_plugins directory, use that; otherwise …
    3. If found in the ‘base’ directory, e.g. english/lang.{page-name}.php, use that.
    4. Create any constants found in the above directories.
  2. Load any page-extensions array files. These files match the pattern lang.{page-name}*.php, where the file’s name is not the ‘base’ page-specific file. These files are loaded and constants created as described above.
  3. Load any ’legacy’ language files found, e.g. {page-name}.php:
    1. Load the file from the ‘base’ template-override directory.
    2. Load the file from the ‘base’ directory.
  4. Load any ’legacy’ page-extensions files:
    1. Load files from the ‘base’ template-override directory.
    2. Load files from the ‘base’ directory.

(2.2.2) Loading Details (TL;DR)

Let’s pretend that a site is dual-language, supporting english and spanish, and we’re loading files for the {page-name} page.


  • Language-constant values specified in these files do not override any constants previously identified in the storefront’s global language files!
  • Any file specifically named, e.g. /includes/languages/english/lang.{page-name}.php, is loaded only if present.
  • In the list that follows, any english language file(s) that do not have a superscripted note are always loaded.

Loading Notes:

1 Loaded only if the current customer language is spanish.

2 Loaded only if the current customer language is english.

( Load ‘base’ Array Language Files

The ‘base’ language array-file(s) for the current page are loaded and constants created based on the current language and template.

  1. Load /includes/languages/english/lang.{page-name}.php
  2. Load /includes/languages/spanish/lang.{page-name}.php1
  3. Load all lang.{page-name}.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/english
  4. Load all lang.{page-name}.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/spanish1
  5. Load all lang.{page-name}.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/english/default
  6. Load all lang.{page-name}.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/spanish/default1
  7. Load /includes/languages/english/template_dir/lang.{page-name}.php2
  8. Load /includes/languages/spanish/template_dir/lang.{page-name}.php1

Once all these array-based language files are loaded, define the associated constants (if not already defined).

( Load Array Language File ‘Extensions’

Next, any page-extension language array-files for the current page are loaded alphabetically and constants created. A page-extension file is named lang.{page-name}*.php, where the file is not specifically named lang.{page-name}.php. These files are loaded in alphabetical order from each of the directories listed below.

This processing enables additional constants to be defined for a given ‘page’ — for example, lang.{page-name}_something.php.

  1. Load all lang.{page-name}*.php files found in /includes/languages/english
  2. Load all lang.{page-name}*.php files found in /includes/languages/spanish1
  3. Load all lang.{page-name}*.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/english
  4. Load all lang.{page-name}*.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/spanish1
  5. Load all lang.{page-name}*.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/english/default
  6. Load all lang.{page-name}*.php files found in any zc_plugins’ /catalog/includes/languages/spanish/default1
  7. Load all lang.{page-name}*.php files found in /includes/languages/english/template_dir2
  8. Load all lang.{page-name}*.php files found in /includes/languages/spanish/template_dir1

Once all these array-based language files are loaded, define the associated constants (if not already defined).

( Load ’legacy’ Language Files

Once all the array-based page-specific files have been loaded and their constants defined, ’legacy’ language files (which specify their language constants via PHP define statements) are loaded.


  1. If a lang. file exists in the same directory as a ’legacy’ file (e.g. lang.{page-name}.php and {page-name}.php), the ’legacy’ file is not loaded, i.e. all definitions come from the lang. file!
  2. ‘Legacy’ language files are not supported for zc_plugins!
  3. Any language-constant duplication in these loaded files will result in a PHP Warning when running on PHP 8.0 and later!
  4. A page-extension file is named {page-name}*.php, where the file is not specifically named {page-name}.php. These files are loaded in alphabetical order from each of the directories listed below.

The storefront page-specific ’legacy’ language files are loaded in this order:

  1. Load /includes/languages/spanish/template_dir/{page-name}.php1
  2. Load /includes/languages/spanish/{page-name}.php1
  3. Load /includes/languages/english/template_dir/{page-name}.php2
  4. Load /includes/languages/english/{page-name}.php
  5. Load all {page-name}*.php files found in /includes/languages/spanish/template_dir1
  6. Load all {page-name}*.php files found in /includes/languages/spanish1
  7. Load all {page-name}*.php files found in /includes/languages/english/template_dir2
  8. Load all {page-name}*.php files found in /includes/languages/english

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Last modified September 4, 2024 by Scott Wilson (3d3df53).