Zen Cart Storeowner Documentation - All FAQs
Note: Admin Menu Sections are not shown in this view.- 0 DB_ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED What do I do with this message?
- About Order Total Modules Fees and Discounts you can add to an order
- About Payment Modules What payment processing options are available?
- About Plugins Modifying your shopping cart using plugins
- About Shipping Modules How can I ship orders?
- About this site and the Zen Cart Project Bug reports, security issues, contributing and community.
- About Us Page Tell the story of your business
- Abuse and Spam Handling Spam signups and other bad traffic
- Accessibility Checker from Siteimprove Using the Chrome extension Siteimprove Accessibility Checker
- Accessibility Overview WCAG and Section 508
- Accessibility page The accessibility policy for your store
- Accessibility Plugins Add Ons that help your store's accessibility
- Accessibility Widgets Are Accessibility Widgets a Magic Wand?
- Add image to sidebox or centerbox Using a sidebox or centerbox to show product images
- Add to Cart Controlling add to cart operation in your store
- Adding a Link to the Information sidebox Adding your own links
- Adding a message to the admin order update email Modifying emails which are sent when orders are updated
- Adding a message to the checkout email How do I add a message to my order confirmation emails?
- Adding a tracking pixel Integrating with systems that use tracking pixels
- Adding an order status What if I want a new order status?
- Adding Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager How do I install JavaScript snippets for 3rd-party tools?
- Adding Pages to my site Creating a new page for your store
- Additional Software Adding WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, or other software to your server
- Address formats - what are they? How addresses are displayed in different countries
- Admin Activity Logs warning message What should I do about logs over two months old?
- Admin customization Changing the look of your back end
- Admin is slow or hangs forever Dealing with performance issues in Admin
- Admin menu item is missing I can't find an item in my Admin menu
- Admin Password - Resetting or Changing Reset your admin password using these steps
- Admin password expired Why do I have to change it?
- Admin search How you can search for products in the admin panel
- Admin Site Specific Overrides How to customize your admin behavior without modifying core files
- Advanced Email Troubleshooting Next steps for deliverability, including SFP, DKIM and DMARC
- All Products Listing all products in your store
- Alt Text What role does Alt Text play in accessibility?
- ANDI from SSA Testing Accessibility Compliance with ANDI
- Announcements Hear about new releases and security updates
- ARIA Labels What is an ARIA Label
- Ask A Question page The product question page
- Attribute Pricing How to use Zen Cart Attributes to set product pricing
- Attributes - adding to products Creating product variants using attributes
- Attributes - an introduction Introduction to Zen Cart Attributes
- Attributes - How do I make dropdowns start with "Please Select" Prompting the customer to select an option value
- Audiences What is an audience in Zen Cart?
- Authorize.net AIM Payment Module Zen Cart Authorize.net AIM Payment Module
- Authorize.net CIM Payment Module Zen Cart Authorize.net CIM Payment Module (for card on file)
- Authorize.net SIM Payment Module Zen Cart Authorize.net SIM Payment Module (DEPRECATED)
- Backups - how do I do a site backup? how do I do a site backup in Zen Cart?
- Balance Owed Payments Taking payment for balances owed
- Basic 158+ Language Customizations Starting from scratch for 1.5.8 with language files
- Basic Email Troubleshooting Emails are not being received - deliverability issues
- Basic Template Customizations What are the most common template changes people do first?
- Basics - Components of Zen Cart How the pieces fit together
- Basics - cPanel The cPanel control panel
- Basics - Default files, template default and overrides What is a default file vs a template file?
- Basics - Deployment Configurations Ways to install Zen Cart
- Basics - Hosting and Domain concepts Domains, Name Servers, Hosting and more
- Basics - Security Operating Zen Cart in a secure manner
- Basics - Store Setup Checklist Things to do when setting up a store
- Basics - Terms and Definitions Terms used throughout this site
- Basics - URLs URL structure used by Zen Cart
- Basics - Useful Tools Useful Tools for working with Zen Cart
- Before you Post - how to ask a good question Zen Cart Forum Posting Effective Questions
- Blank Page troubleshooting How do I fix a blank page or partial blank page?
- Blocking Attacks How do I keep these bots away from my site?
- Blocking posts from specific users The Zen Cart forum ignore list
- Blocking probing activity Stopping robots and other pests
- Blogging How can I build a community? Does blogging make sense?
- Boilerplate Using repeating blocks of text in your Zen Cart
- Bootstrap Template for Zen Cart What is the Bootstrap Template?
- Brands Page A page facilitating search by manufacturer.
- Broken Padlock Why does my site show as insecure?
- Build your own sidebox If the sidebox you want isn't available, create it yourself
- Built In Reports Reports that come with a base install of Zen Cart
- Buttons How to customize buttons
- Caching Why doesn't my new image show?
- Can a product be listed in more than one category? Showing a product in multiple places
- Can I print a high resolution logo on my invoices and packing slips? Branding your invoices and packing slips
- Can I use an image for a sidebox header Sidebox headers don't have to be text
- Can Zen Cart do this? Miscellaneous FAQs about Zen Cart
- Can't login or stay logged in or add-to-cart PHP Session Handling in Zen Cart
- Card Number Validation How are credit cards validated?
- Categories and Products - Adding them to your store Populating your store
- Categories sidebox Making changes to the Categories sidebox
- Category Listing Page The category listing page
- Category Management in Admin Adding, Editing, Copying, Moving and Deleting Categories
- Category product-type restrictions Ensuring only one product type can be created in a category
- Centerboxes What are Zen Cart centerboxes?
- Changing the Email Subject Line Changing the Zen Cart Email Subject Line
- Changing your site's appearance Changing the look of your shopping cart
- Character Sets Representing characters outside US ASCII
- Checking available PHP Versions Seeing which PHP versions are available
- Checkout how do I allow customers to check out?
- Checkout Shipping - Checkout Payment - Checkout Confirmation - Checkout Success pages The customer checkout flow
- Cloudflare Using Cloudflare with Zen Cart
- Code of Conduct Zen Cart Forum Code of Conduct
- Colon Separated Pair configuration Specifying configuration values using colon-separated pairs in Zen Cart
- Color Contrast What role does Color Contrast play in accessibility?
- Columnar Layout for Category Listing pages Presenting categories in a Grid
- Columnar Layout for Product Listing pages Presenting products in a Grid
- Commercial Help Wanted Zen Cart Commercial Help Wanted
- Communication Issues with UPS, PayPal, etc. Using the utilities in the extras folder to diagnose communication issues
- Conditions page The terms and conditions for your store
- Configuration Parameter Name Changes Changes to the names of configuration parameters
- configure.php explained Understanding the main Zen Cart configuration file
- Constant already defined debug logs How to suppress logs saying a constant is already defined
- Contact Us page The email form page
- Contrast Ratio Tool from Siege Media How can I really test color contrast?
- Contributing to the Zen Cart project Ways you can get involved in Zen Cart
- Contributing your plugin Sharing your work with other users
- Converting from iso-8859-1 to utf8 or utf8mb4 Modern sites should use UTF8 or UTF8MB4
- Core Team Zen Cart Core Team
- Correcting Misspelled Email Addresses Correcting typos in email addresses
- Could not upgrade to version X Troubleshooting a failed database upgrade
- Coupons Price reductions and free shipping for customers with a code
- Creating Links to Other Pages How to create intra-site links
- Creating the template_info.php file Why doesn't my template show up in Tools > Template Selection?
- Creating your own Template The steps required to build a Zen Cart template
- Creating Zone Definitions Recipes for common zone such as lower 48 states
- Credit Card Authorize vs Capture How do I authorize a Credit Card but not actually charge it until I ship the goods?
- CSS Stylesheet customization in Zen Cart
- Customer Approval Limiting access to your store
- Customer Referral Processing Rewarding customers who spread the word
- Customizing Email Changing the appearance of email sent by Zen Cart
- Database-Only Upgrade Instructions Lower cost quickie upgrading
- Databases Where is the data stored in Zen Cart?
- Date format - changing it from the US format to dd/mm/yyyy (1.5.7-) Localizing data display in 1.5.7 and below
- Date format - changing it from the US format to dd/mm/yyyy (1.5.8+) Localizing data display
- Date standardization Getting custom date fields set correctly
- DbIo and EasyPopulate Creating products from a CSV
- Debug Logs How do I interpret a debug log?
- Default line items on an order From subtotal to total
- Define Pages Customizing your store with define pages
- Deleted product redirects Using .htaccess redirects for deleted products
- Demo Data Example product and configuration data for new users
- DevTools from Axe - Free Version How can I use Axe DevTools to test accessibility?
- Diagnosing Obscure Issues Strategy for digging into root causes of problems
- Discounts Discounts you can add to customer orders
- Display the search box in the header only How to put the search box at the top of the page
- Displaying sideboxes for logged in visitors only Customizing sidebox display based on customer status
- Documentation How to use this site
- Donate Donate to Zen Cart
- Down for Maintenance Turning your Zen Cart store off for a time
- Download delivery methods How are downloads made available after checkout?
- Download folder - Relocating Storing downloads outside of webroot
- Downloadable Products - can they also be shippable? Configuring Zen Cart Combo Products
- Downloadable products - how to create? Digital downloads - software, music and books
- Downloadable products - verifying correctness Check your downloads after creating them
- Downloading Zen Cart Where can I download the Zen Cart code?
- Downloads - why do they not activate after checkout? If downloads are not visible to your customers, check here
- Downloads which are not products Posting PDFs and other free downloads on your site
- Edit Orders Modifying an order after it has been placed
- Email Archive Manager Keeping a record of email sent by Zen Cart
- Email Transport Methods SMTPAuth and other ways to send email
- Email Troubleshooting What do to when email is not being sent and/or received
- ERP Tools Enterprise Resource Management and Zen Cart
- ERROR 0071 - There appears to be a problem with the database What do to when it says "Maintenance is required."
- Error 2006 MySQL server has gone away or 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query What do I do with this message?
- Errorlog access Where do I find my server's errorlog to review server-side problems?
- Exporting customer email addresses Creating a CSV of customer email addresses
- Extra Pages The built-in extra pages
- EZ-Page Not Found When I go to my EZ-Page, it says the page you were attempting to access cannot be found
- EZ-Pages sidebox Customizing the Important Links sidebox
- Fabricating Email Addresses Creating email addresses for customers who don't have them
- Fake solicitations for Zen Cart PCI compliance and Crypto scams
- Favicon How do I set my own favicon?
- Featured Products Highlighting specific products in your store
- Features of Zen Cart What capabilities are built in to this ecommerce solution?
- FedEx Setup Shipping via Federal Express (FedEx)
- Fees Fees you can add to customer orders
- File upload limitations Dealing with post_max_size and max_file_uploads
- Finding a Plugin Where can I find plugin X?
- Fixing a Mis-typed Email Address My customer has a typo in their email address and now can't login
- Fixing broken tables Common MySQL table issues
- Fixing Physical Addresses Fixing Customer Shipping and Billing Addresses in Zen Cart
- Font Awesome The use of the fontawesome.io in your template
- Forum Do's and Don'ts Zen Cart Forum Etiquette
- FPM What is FPM?
- Free Shipping Handling delivery when shipping is not required
- Galleries How do I create an image gallery
- Gift Certificates Store vouchers
- Glossary Terms you will see in Zen Cart documentation
- Gmail How do I use Gmail for email?
- Google Chrome Inspect Using Chrome's tools to keep your site healthy
- Group Pricing Discounts for select customers
- GZIP compression Compressing pages during delivery
- Home Page Configuring your site's main page
- How can I add Meta Tags to my EZ-Pages? I want a custom meta title and meta description setting
- How can I create a link to an EZ-Page? Using the zen_ez_pages_link function
- How can I disable "search in description" in the search sidebox? Narrowing search fields to exclude products_description
- How can I force my site to add "www." to the URL? URL rewrite to add www subdomain for Zen Cart
- How can I limit the age of my customers to people over 18? Selling age-restricted products
- How can I restrict my employees' admin capabilities? Disallowing admin functions for some staff members
- How can I tell if my products have attributes? Categories/Products attributes indicator
- How do I add links to the Header and Footer? Putting important links on every page
- How do I add or delete categories? Organizing products in categories
- How do I add or delete products? Managing products in your store
- How do I build HTML-formatted Email for other languages? Multilanguage HTML email
- How do I change the "Congratulations! you have successfully installed..." Message? Removing the installation confirmation
- How do I change the "Sales Message Goes Here" or "Tagline Here" text? Removing these default text placeholders
- How do I change the "Welcome Guest" message? Removing or changing the message for non-logged-in users
- How do I change the "Welcome to Zen Cart!" image? Removing or changing the picture from the home page
- How do I change the a sidebox title? Where are the strings for sidebox titles?
- How do I change the header background image My template uses a background image and I don't want it
- How do I change the logo or the logo alt text in the header? (1.5.7-) Customizing your logo in 1.5.7 and below
- How do I change the logo or the logo alt text in the header? (1.5.8+) Customizing your logo in 1.5.8 and above
- How do I change the title of main_page=page_X? Changing the name of PAGE_2, PAGE_3 or PAGE_4
- How do I create a MySQL database? Using cPanel to create a MySQL database
- How do I determine which files to edit? Where do I make the change?
- How do I disable plugin version checking? I don't want to see the message "A NEW VERSION OF THIS PLUGIN IS AVAILABLE"
- How do I email all my customers about a sale or promotion? Sending bulk email
- How do I enable "Customers Also Purchased" display? Showing what other customers purchased
- How do I enable SSL after I have installed Zen Cart? Making your cart use SSL
- How do I find the posts I (or another member) have made? Where was that question I asked ...
- How do I find the value of a configuration setting? Where are the all-uppercase strings set?
- How do I get paid? Understanding payment collection for your orders
- How do I increase the number of products per page in admin? Categories/Products rows per page
- How do I Install Zen Cart? Should I use Softaculous or Installatron?
- How do I prevent my email from being treated like spam? Customers can't see my email because it goes to SPAM
- How do I remove and/or re-arrange the sideboxes? Sidebox display and sort order
- How do I remove the logo completely? I don't want a logo for my site
- How do I remove the word "Home" in the middle column? Removing the home breadcrumb
- How do I set up "Music" products for audio-previews? Playing clips from your music products
- How do I set up a default tax class for new products? Save time by pre-setting a tax class for product creation
- How do I set up banners? and report on banner ads? Banner management in admin
- How do I set up meta tags for my site? Meta Tags: title, description and keywords
- How do I show my documents in their own sidebox? For users of Document General product type
- How do I sort products in the admin Categories/Products sort order
- How do I speed up my site? Basic performance improvement tips
- How do I turn off the display of the weight? Weights don't apply, or I don't want to show product weights
- How do I turn off the listing of categories that goes across the top of my page? Disabling category header menu (aka "categories tabs")
- How do I use another currency instead of US Dollars? Alternate currencies in Zen Cart
- How do I validate the integrity of a downloaded file? Checking SHA1 or MD5 checksums
- How to install a plugin Adding a plugin to your store
- How to rearrange the product info page Changing the product info page layout
- How to show/hide text? Using a disclosure widget
- How to uninstall a plugin Backing out a plugin
- How Zen Cart uses cookies Cookies and Session data
- HTML Email Templates How HTML mail is formatted in Zen Cart
- HTTP response codes What do 500, 404, 200 mean?
- I can't login to the Admin after installing Zen Cart Post installation login issues
- I don't have the file YOURTEMPLATE/some-name What if a template file is missing?
- I want to enable/disable some sideboxes Conditional sidebox display
- I've got TEXT_MAIN being displayed on my page Unexpected uppercase words showing in page content or error logs
- Image Configuration Settings that determine how images appear on your site
- Image Filename conventions How are products and images associated?
- Image Plugins Helpful plugins for image management
- Image Preparation - how to Preparing and Optimizing Images for Zen Cart
- In Memoriam Notable Zen Cart Contributors who have passed away
- Incorrectly defined tables Updating older table definitions
- Index Listing Configuration Configuring product listing pages and associated centerboxes
- Individual Per Item shipping charges How can I set up individual shipping charges per item?
- Information sidebox Making changes to the Information sidebox
- Installer does not show an Upgrade button I only see the Clean Install button
- Integrating Sales Analytics/Affiliate Tools JROX JAM, SNAP, iDevAffiliate and other sales tracking systems
- Integrating with Google Analytics How do I get analytics data for my store?
- Introduction to Email in Zen Cart Overview of the email system
- Is it possible to order fractional quantities? What to do if your product is not sold in whole units
- Is there a way that I can check on what users with Admin access to my site are doing? Monitoring admin users
- JavaScript Customization Adding or changing JavaScript
- JavaScript Libraries Keeping your JavaScript libraries current
- Known Bugs Known Bugs in Zen Cart
- Language Files - Shortcut Simplifying your 1.5.8 Language file updates
- Language Files - User information on Array based Language files Language Packs for Zen Cart 1.5.8 and above
- Language Files - What are they and how are they used? (1.5.7-) How do I change language text in 1.5.7 or below?
- Language Files - What are they and how are they used? (1.5.8+) How do I change language text in 1.5.8 and above?
- Language Packs Making Zen Cart multi-language
- Learning Trails for Zen Cart How do I get started learning Zen Cart?
- Left and Right Columns - turning them off Three columns, two, or one - your choice
- Lighthouse How can I use Google Lighthouse to test accessibility?
- Linked Product - what is it? Showing a product in multiple categories
- Listing Page Layout How Zen Cart shows multiple results on one page
- Listing Pages New Products, Featured Products, All Products and Product listing pages
- Logos in HTML emails How do I change the logo in my Zen Cart HTML emails ?
- Long EZ-Pages are getting cut off Is there a size limit to EZ-Pages?
- Long field indexes Creating indexes on long fields
- Longer Product Name How do I increase the length of the product name field?
- Manual Credit Card Collection Why you shouldn't use manual credit card processing with online stores
- Manual Credit Card Collection - Migrating Away Getting off manual card collection
- Master Password - Logging into a customer's account How to login to place an order for a customer
- max_user_connections exceeded Seeing max_user_connections errors in logs
- Meta Tags Meta Description, Meta Keywords and other Meta Tags
- Missing Language Constants Fixing a missing language define in translated language packs
- Missing Log Files What if Zen Cart does not write to the /logs folder?
- Mixed Collation Errors How to handle "Illegal mix of collations" after upgrade
- Mobile or Desktop state? Determining your visitor's screen size
- More Information sidebox Making changes to the More Information sidebox
- Moving to another server Steps to use when changing hosters
- Moving your Zen Cart folder Switching between subfolder and root deployment, or changing subfolder name
- Multi-factor authentication in Zen Cart Using two-factor authentication for admin access
- Multiple PHP Versions Running more than one version of PHP
- My Payment Methods aren't showing up during checkout Payment Method problems
- My Site Seems To Be Down Checking Site Status
- New Listing - Featured Listing - All Listing configuration settings Configuration for New Products, Featured Products and All Products pages
- New Listing - Featured Listing - All Listing configuration settings for Zen Cart v1.x.x Configuration for New Products, Featured Products and All Products pages for Zen Cart v1.x.x
- New Products Showing off new additions to your store
- New Products - what is the age cutoff? What determines if a product is new?
- New/Featured/Special/Upcoming Products sections Zen Cart Centerbox enable / disable
- Newsletters Sending newsletters in Zen Cart
- No data in my store after moving hosts Where is my data?
- Nofollow links How can I make a link nofollow?
- Offline Payment Taking payment outside the checkout flow process
- Order Statuses Reflecting your order fulfillment process using order status
- Other templates for Zen Cart Changing the appearance of your cart by using a new template
- Other Topics Other information about SEO in Zen Cart
- Overrides for New Users Template Overrides for New Users
- Page 2, Page 3 and Page 4 The built-in extra pages
- Page format in the admin What are the parts of an admin page?
- Page format in the storefront What are the parts of a page?
- Page Not Found page The built-in 404 page
- Page types in the storefront What kinds of pages are available?
- Pagination in Zen Cart How do you display a large number of results?
- Parse error: unexpected T_STRING (or similar) How do I resolve this PHP message?
- Passwords in Zen Cart Rules for passwords in Zen Cart
- PayPal - Overview Start here to learn about options for using PayPal
- PayPal Commerce PayPal Commerce, 3D Secure
- PayPal Debug Logging Getting more information by enabling PayPal logs
- PayPal Error Messages Understanding the various PayPal errors
- PayPal Express Checkout setup The preferred way to use PayPal in Zen Cart
- PayPal Paying with Credit Card vs a PayPal Account Customer questions regarding PayPal
- PayPal RESTful The updated PayPal Integration
- PayPal Standard - Potential Problems Why you shouldn't use PayPal Standard
- PayPal Standard, Express and Pro - what's the difference? Zen Cart PayPal Standard, Express and Pro - what's the difference?
- PayPal using one account on multiple sites Consolidating PayPal accounts
- PayPal/IPN Troubleshooting Resolving problems with PayPal
- PCI What is PCI and how does it affect me?
- PCI Compliance Statement Myths and realities about PCI and PABP Standards
- Permissions on files and folders What access levels should be used?
- PHP Errors, Warnings and Deprecated messages after upgrading How to fix the most common PHP7+ messages
- PHP Memory Limit Checking and updating your PHP memory\_limit
- PHP Version and Configuration Changing PHP version or PHP Settings
- Picking a hoster Selecting a company to host your cart
- Place Order Creating an order on behalf of a Customer in Zen Cart
- Plugins Plugins and Add-Ons for Zen Cart
- Plugins Library How plugins are distributed
- Popups Showing images in isolation
- Price Reductions How price reductions are displayed
- Pricing includes tax Operating in a VAT or other tax-inclusive environment
- Printing Shipping Labels Options for printing shipping labels
- Privacy page The privacy policy for your store
- Private Messages (PM) Private Messages on the Zen Cart Forum
- Privately testing a new template Allowing an admin test a new template on a live site
- Product Editing Screen The screen for adding and editing products
- Product Info Page The add to cart page
- Product Listing configuration settings Configuration for Product Listing pages
- Product Listing Page The product listing page
- Product Management in Admin Adding, Editing, Deleting, Moving and Copying Products
- Product Model Model number or SKU
- Product Notifications Keeping customers up to date about product changes
- Product Units Min and Max Quantities and Units
- Product Weight - changing from pounds (lbs) to kg Localizing data display
- Products and Categories at the Same Level Restrictions on category contents
- Products Status Enabling and Disabling products
- Protecting pages Ensuring pages are only accessible by certain users
- Quantity Discounts How do I offer discounts for bulk purchases?
- Regular Periodic Maintenance What you should do to keep your store running well
- Relative URLs The importance of relative versus absolute links
- Release History Zen Cart Version History
- Release Specific Upgrade Considerations Watch for these changes if you are upgrading and preserving customizations
- Removing debug logs How do I clean out debug logs?
- Renaming Your Admin Folder Obfuscating the path to your admin
- Reporting a bug Steps to follow when a bug
- Required Attributes not working I want to force a decision - how do I do this?
- Resend Order Confirmation Email I need to resend the checkout email to a customer
- Resetting the Downloads Counter on completed orders Resetting the Zen Cart Downloads Counter on completed orders
- Responding to a hack What to do if the bad guys break things
- Responsive Classic and Sideboxes How sideboxes are used in the responsive classic template
- Responsive Classic Template for Zen Cart What is the Responsive Classic Template?
- Responsive Templates What makes a template responsive?
- Retirement for a Payment Module Disabling storefront access to a payment module while keeping its admin capabilities
- Returns / Return Merchandise Authorization Can I institute an RMA process?
- Reviews Page Allowing customers to provide product feedback
- Sale Products Reducing the price on a category of products
- Salemaker vs Specials Reducing prices on categories and single products
- Sales Report with Graphs
- Search related configuration settings Configuration values that affect search
- Searching for Plugins How to find a specific plugin
- Secure and nonsecure items Error messages "Unauthenticated content" or "connection partially encrypted"
- Security Patches for Plugins List of all Plugin Security Patches
- Security Patches for Zen Cart List of all Security Patches
- Security Recommendations Running your site securely
- Security Reporting Protocol How to report a security issue in Zen Cart
- SEO Optimization Guidance for improving ranking in search engines
- Server Requirements for running Zen Cart What kind of server do I need?
- Setting up a test environment Using a Local Web Server to create a Development Environment
- Setting up Define Pages Customizing define page content
- Shipping and Returns The shipping policy for your store
- Shipping Calculations Weight, tare and shipping rates
- Shipping Dimensions product dimensions and shipping configuration
- Shipping Exceptions How to disable shipping modules based on conditions
- Shipping Problems Problems with calculating a shipping rate
- Shopping Cart Page The customer's basket
- Should I charge taxes? How much? What are my tax collection obligations?
- Show Flags Changing the behavior of your cart from the admin
- Showing EZ-Page Links What determines when an EZ-Page link appears?
- Sideboxes What are Zen Cart sideboxes?
- Signature Guidelines Zen Cart Forum Signature Guidelines
- Single-Valued Attributes How are single-valued attributes different?
- Site Footer How can I change my storefront footer layout?
- Site Header How can I change my storefront header layout?
- Site Map Page The store site map
- Site Specific Overrides More ways to customize your cart's behavior without modifying core files
- Sitemap support for EZ-Pages Adding EZ-Pages to your site map
- Slideshows How do I create a slideshow?
- Software Versions and why they are important PHP, Zen Cart, MySQL and JavaScript library versions
- Some of my PHP files are missing the PHP closing tag at the end of the file Is a missing PHP closing tag an error?
- Sorry, the page you were attempting to access cannot be found Why won't my EZ-Page show?
- Sort Order for product listing pages Changing how products are sorted on an index listing page
- Special Products Reducing the price on a single product
- Specials Page Highlighting products with reduced prices
- Square API Version Setting and changing the API version for Square
- Square for PHP 8+ How to purchase the latest Square module
- Square Payments Form Module The original Zen Cart Square Module (DEPRECATED)
- Square WebPay How to collect payments with Square
- Square WebPay - Avoiding Token Expiry Preventing "OAuth access token has expired"
- Square WebPay Errors and Issues Handling problems with Square WebPay
- SSL certificate - yes you need one Why your online store should be using SSL / HTTPS
- Standard Upgrade - Recommended Procedure Upgrading Step By Step -- and still keep my live store running in the meantime
- Start and End Dates Automatically starting and stopping Sales or Specials
- Store Credit How Can I Issue Store Credit instead of a Refund
- Storefront Pages - A Complete List All the pages in your storefront
- Storefront search How customers can search your store
- Subfolders Putting your cart in a subfolder
- Suppressing sidebox display on specific pages Customizing sidebox display based on page
- Switching templates Changing configuration values when template changes
- System Service Status Pages Is the service I am using down?
- Table Rate Shipping Module Setup How to price shipping by item weight, price or count
- Tax calculations are wrong What to do when taxes don't add up
- Tax configuration in Canada Calculating taxes in Canada
- Tax configuration in the United States Calculating taxes in the USA
- Tax Inclusive Pricing Displaying prices including taxes
- Technologies used in Zen Cart What are the building blocks of Zen Cart
- Template Default - what is it? What is the default template?
- Template Files - What are they and how are they used? What does a template do?
- Template Images What directories contain all the template images, buttons, and icons?
- Template Overrides System What's the best way to change a template?
- Template Pages Controlling what a page looks like
- Template Updates Keeping your custom template up to date.
- Testing your payment module Best practices for being sure a payment module is ready to use
- The Developer's Toolkit Searching your cart files using the admin
- The PHP Lifecycle How PHP evolves
- There seems to be a problem connecting to our database What do I do when this message is shown?
- There was a security error when trying to login Sorting out expired or invalid form submissions
- Timezone (TZ) setting I want to use local time, not GMT
- Tracking Inventory Stock Management in Zen Cart
- Traffic Getting visitors to your Zen Cart
- Turning sidebox display off/on on an EZ-Page I don't want sideboxes to show on my EZ-Pages
- UK Customisation - Date to dd/mm/yy, weight to kg, and USD to GBP Minimum changes necessary for localizing data display for UK.
- Understanding problems that occur after upgrading PHP versions Updating PHP causes new Debug Logs
- Unknown column error after upgrade Post-upgrade blank screen when adding a record
- Upcoming Products Products that will be available in the future
- Updated Language Packs Language Packs that are ready for 1.5.8+
- Updating your PHP Version Moving to a higher PHP version after an upgrade
- Upgrading - Reference Guide Summary of Key Points For Upgrading
- Upgrading and Templates What to do with your template during an upgrade
- UPS Setup Shipping via United Parcel Service (UPS)
- Using Customer Groups Customizing your site using Customer Groups
- Using External SMTP Servers Letting someone else handle your Zen Cart email
- USPS Setup Shipping via United States Postal Service
- Variable Price Product or Donation How to let customers set the price of a product
- Variant Stock Using POSM and tracking quantities of products with variants
- VAT setup instructions Calculating taxes in a VAT jurisdiction
- Version Information for Zen Cart, PHP and MySQL Version Information for Zen Cart, PHP and MySQL
- Versioning How Zen Cart Releases are Numbered
- Warning: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again. What do I do when this message is shown?
- Warning: Headers already sent... Fixing this PHP warning message
- Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file How do I make configuration files read-only?
- Warning: Your Admin login is not secure I get a "login not secure" message in my admin - how to fix?
- WAVE from WebAIM Using WAVE to run a quick accessibility test of your page
- Webserver Tuning Tips Improving MySQL database performance
- Welcome email The email sent when a new account is created
- What are EZ-Pages? The easiest way to add content to your site
- What are the best plugins? What are the best Zen Cart plugins?
- What are the numbers beside the category links? Enabling or disabling category counts
- What do the numbers in the Counter History box mean? Understanding admin counter history
- What does "Connection to Database failed" mean? I get the message "Access denied for user myname@localhost"
- What does MIXED ON mean? Ignoring attribute differences when counting products
- What is a Template? Basic information about how to change your site's appearance
- What is an SSL certificate? Basic information on SSL
- What is CHMOD? What do those 3 digits mean?
- What is STRICT mode for my database? MySQL STRICT mode and its impact
- What is STRICT_ERROR_REPORTING How do I use this setting?
- What is the EZ-Pages Footer Bar? Showing links to your EZ-Pages in the footer
- What is the EZ-Pages Header Bar? Showing links to your EZ-Pages in the header
- What is the Product Info page? The add to cart page
- What is Zen Cart ? What does it do and how can I use it?
- What sideboxes are available? Displaying content on the sides of a desktop view of my store
- What's New with Zen Cart? Latest updates on the Zen Cart project
- What's Next? What do I do to start customizing my cart?
- Where are my emails stored? What file has my email?
- Where is the Admin / Back-end / Control Panel interface? I don't have an "/admin" folder!
- Wholesale Pricing Using wholesale pricing to add multiple price levels
- Whoops timeouts after payment Error when you return to your cart after offsite payment
- Why am I getting 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR messages? How do I resolve an HTTP 500 error?
- Why am I getting 500 or 406 or 404 or 403 errors during product updates? Product Update returns HTTP status 500, 406, 404 or 403
- Why are my images distorted? Fuzzy, squished or distorted images
- Why can't I post? Posting to the Zen Cart Forum gives an error
- Why do emails not show in HTML format? HTML email doesn't work
- Why do my product names show up twice? No, you don't have double vision
- Why does my define page not show up in Define Pages Editor? I can't see my custom define page in admin
- Why does this plugin not work with Template Monster Templates? Plugin works with template_default or responsive_classic, but not my template
- Why don't order total modules change item prices? How order total discounts are displayed
- Why is the Admin area so busy? Why so many options? Also, where's the feature *I* want?
- Why plugins? Why does Zen Cart use plugins?
- Why should I upgrade? About upgrading and why it's part of running Zen Cart
- Will this plugin work with my Zen Cart version? How to determine if a plugin will interoperate with your cart
- Working with Additional Images Having multiple images for a product
- XML Site Map Building a sitemap for search engines
- Your Store Logo How to use your store logo in Zen Cart
- Zen Cart Security Security patches and vulnerability handling process
- Zones Module Setup How to price shipping by destination zone