Upgrading an encapsulated plugin

Once you have created an encapsulated plugin, upgrading it is mostly a matter of creating a new version number under the plugin name, and then making your changes.

So if the old plugin was structured like this:


you can duplicate this to


and make your changes.

If you’re using GitHub for your plugin, then commit the new directory to your repository before making new changes for the a new version.

Once you release, people will upload the new version-number directory to their server and run through the upgrade process using Admin > Modules > Plugin Manager.

Note: An Installer/install.sql file is ONLY run on NEW installs, not upgrades. So if your plugin makes any database changes, be sure to update:

  • Installer/install.sql to include (in addition to any prior queries) any new things added by your upgraded version.
  • Installer/uninstall.sql to include all (in addition to any prior) removals required to fully remove.
  • Installer/ScriptedInstaller.php to use executeUpgrade() to perform any queries (if any) required by the new version. (This is the only way to apply db updates in an upgrade.)

TO BE CLEAR: The ScriptedInstaller.php (and install.sql and uninstall.sql if they exist (they’re not required)) MUST be capable of handling BOTH fresh installs AND upgrades across ALL versions that your plugin supports. THERE IS NO “INCREMENTAL” UPGRADE SUPPORT BASED ON FILENAMES OR VERSION NUMBERS. Any “incremental” upgrade steps would be coded into your ScriptedInstaller.php script, taking care of doing all requisite dependency checks there.

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

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Last modified January 23, 2025 by Chris Brown (1032bde).