Zen Cart Documentation
Storeowner Docs
Developer Docs
Storeowner Docs
All Time Favorites
First Steps
Basics - Components of Zen Cart
Basics - cPanel
Basics - Default files, template default and overrides
Basics - Deployment Configurations
Basics - Hosting and Domain concepts
Basics - Security
Basics - Store Setup Checklist
Basics - Terms and Definitions
Basics - URLs
Basics - Useful Tools
Categories and Products - Adding them to your store
Demo Data
Downloading Zen Cart
How do I Install Zen Cart?
Learning Trails for Zen Cart
Relative URLs
Server Requirements for running Zen Cart
SSL certificate - yes you need one
Technologies used in Zen Cart
Version Information for Zen Cart, PHP and MySQL
Where is the Admin / Back-end / Control Panel interface?
What's Next?
New User Topics
How do I change the "Congratulations! you have successfully installed..." Message?
How do I change the "Sales Message Goes Here" or "Tagline Here" text?
How do I change the "Welcome Guest" message?
How do I change the "Welcome to Zen Cart!" image?
How do I change the header background image
How do I change the logo or the logo alt text in the header? (1.5.7-)
How do I change the logo or the logo alt text in the header? (1.5.8+)
How do I change the title of main_page=page_X?
How do I determine which files to edit?
How do I remove the logo completely?
How do I remove the word "Home" in the middle column?
How do I turn off the listing of categories that goes across the top of my page?
I don't have the file YOURTEMPLATE/some-name
Language Files - What are they and how are they used? (1.5.7-)
Language Files - What are they and how are they used? (1.5.8+)
Overrides for New Users
Setting up Define Pages
Template Files - What are they and how are they used?
Timezone (TZ) setting
About this site and the Zen Cart Project
Contributing to the Zen Cart project
Core Team
Fake solicitations for Zen Cart
Features of Zen Cart
In Memoriam
Known Bugs
Release History
Reporting a bug
Security Reporting Protocol
What is Zen Cart ?
What's New with Zen Cart?
Zen Cart Security
Accessibility Overview
Accessibility Concerns
Alt Text
ARIA Labels
Color Contrast
Accessibility Tools
Accessibility Checker from Siteimprove
Contrast Ratio Tool from Siege Media
DevTools from Axe - Free Version
WAVE from WebAIM
Accessibility Widgets
Accessibility Plugins
Admin System
Why is the Admin area so busy?
Admin Password - Resetting or Changing
Admin Site Specific Overrides
How can I restrict my employees' admin capabilities?
How can I tell if my products have attributes?
How do I add or delete categories?
How do I add or delete products?
How do I increase the number of products per page in admin?
How do I set up banners? and report on banner ads?
How do I set up meta tags for my site?
How do I sort products in the admin
I want to enable/disable some sideboxes
Is there a way that I can check on what users with Admin access to my site are doing?
Master Password - Logging into a customer's account
New Products - what is the age cutoff?
New/Featured/Special/Upcoming Products sections
Page format in the admin
The Developer's Toolkit
Admin Dashboard
Integrating Sales Analytics/Affiliate Tools
Integrating with Google Analytics
What do the numbers in the Counter History box mean?
Customizing your Site
Adding Pages to my site
Admin customization
Changing your site's appearance
Creating Links to Other Pages
Longer Product Name
Protecting pages
Show Flags
Site Specific Overrides
Sort Order for product listing pages
Template System
Using Customer Groups
Introduction to Email in Zen Cart
Basic Email Troubleshooting
Advanced Email Troubleshooting
Adding a message to the admin order update email
Adding a message to the checkout email
Changing the Email Subject Line
Correcting Misspelled Email Addresses
Customizing Email
Email Archive Manager
Email Transport Methods
Exporting customer email addresses
Fabricating Email Addresses
How do I build HTML-formatted Email for other languages?
How do I email all my customers about a sale or promotion?
How do I prevent my email from being treated like spam?
HTML Email Templates
Logos in HTML emails
Using External SMTP Servers
Welcome email
Where are my emails stored?
Why do emails not show in HTML format?
What are EZ-Pages?
EZ-Page Not Found
EZ-Pages sidebox
How can I add Meta Tags to my EZ-Pages?
How can I create a link to an EZ-Page?
Long EZ-Pages are getting cut off
Showing EZ-Page Links
Sitemap support for EZ-Pages
Turning sidebox display off/on on an EZ-Page
What is the EZ-Pages Footer Bar?
What is the EZ-Pages Header Bar?
Image Configuration
Image Plugins
Image Preparation - how to
Working with Additional Images
Image Filename conventions
How do I create a MySQL database?
How do I enable SSL after I have installed Zen Cart?
How do I validate the integrity of a downloaded file?
Moving to another server
Moving your Zen Cart folder
Permissions on files and folders
Picking a hoster
Renaming Your Admin Folder
What does "Connection to Database failed" mean?
What is CHMOD?
Basic 158+ Language Customizations
Language Files - User information on Array based Language files
Language Packs
Missing Language Constants
Updated Language Packs
Address formats - what are they?
Basic 158+ Language Customizations
Date format - changing it from the US format to dd/mm/yyyy (1.5.7-)
Date format - changing it from the US format to dd/mm/yyyy (1.5.8+)
How do I use another currency instead of US Dollars?
Language Files - User information on Array based Language files
Language Packs
Missing Language Constants
Order Statuses
Product Weight - changing from pounds (lbs) to kg
UK Customisation - Date to dd/mm/yy, weight to kg, and USD to GBP
Updated Language Packs
Creating Zone Definitions
Can Zen Cart do this?
configure.php explained
How can I force my site to add "www." to the URL?
How can I limit the age of my customers to people over 18?
Salemaker vs Specials
Some of my PHP files are missing the PHP closing tag at the end of the file
Order Total
About Order Total Modules
Default line items on an order
Gift Certificates
Group Pricing
Why don't order total modules change item prices?
Can I print a high resolution logo on my invoices and packing slips?
Customer Approval
Edit Orders
Order Statuses
Returns / Return Merchandise Authorization
About Payment Modules
How do I get paid?
Authorize.net AIM Payment Module
Authorize.net CIM Payment Module
Authorize.net SIM Payment Module
Balance Owed Payments
Card Number Validation
Credit Card Authorize vs Capture
Manual Credit Card Collection
Manual Credit Card Collection - Migrating Away
My Payment Methods aren't showing up during checkout
Offline Payment
PayPal - Overview
PayPal Commerce
PayPal Error Messages
PayPal Express Checkout setup
PayPal Paying with Credit Card vs a PayPal Account
PayPal RESTful
PayPal Standard - Potential Problems
PayPal Standard, Express and Pro - what's the difference?
PayPal using one account on multiple sites
PayPal/IPN Troubleshooting
Retirement for a Payment Module
Square API Version
Square for PHP 8+
Square Payments Form Module
Square WebPay
Square WebPay - Avoiding Token Expiry
Square WebPay Errors and Issues
Store Credit
Testing your payment module
Whoops timeouts after payment
About Plugins
Contributing your plugin
How do I disable plugin version checking?
How to install a plugin
How to uninstall a plugin
Plugins Library
Searching for Plugins
What are the best plugins?
Why plugins?
Will this plugin work with my Zen Cart version?
Attributes - an introduction
All Products
Attribute Pricing
Attributes - adding to products
Attributes - How do I make dropdowns start with "Please Select"
Can a product be listed in more than one category?
Category Management in Admin
Category product-type restrictions
DbIo and EasyPopulate
Download delivery methods
Download folder - Moving
Downloadable Products - can they also be shippable?
Downloadable products - how to create?
Downloadable products - verifying correctness
Downloads - why do they not activate after checkout?
Downloads which are not products
Featured Products
How do I add or delete categories?
How do I add or delete products?
How do I set up "Music" products for audio-previews?
How do I turn off the display of the weight?
Is it possible to order fractional quantities?
Linked Product - what is it?
Listing pages
Meta Tags
New Products
Price Reductions
Pricing includes tax
Product Editing Screen
Product Management in Admin
Product Model
Product Notifications
Product Units
Products Status
Quantity Discounts
Required Attributes not working
Sale Products
Single-Valued Attributes
Special Products
Start and End Dates
Upcoming Products
Variable Price Product or Donation
What are the numbers beside the category links?
What does MIXED ON mean?
What is the Product Info page?
Wholesale Pricing
Built In Reports
Customer Referral Processing
Sales Report
Sales Report with Graphs
Regular Periodic Maintenance
Abuse and Spam
Adding an order status
Adding Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager
Additional Software
Admin Activity Logs warning message
Backups - how do I do a site backup?
Broken Padlock
Colon Separated Pair configuration
Down for Maintenance
ERP Tools
Fixing a Mis-typed Email Address
Fixing Physical Addresses
Google Chrome Inspect
PHP Memory Limit
Place Order
Removing debug logs
Renaming Your Admin Page
Resend Order Confirmation Email
Resetting the Downloads Counter on completed orders
Setting up a test environment
System Service Status Pages
Tracking Inventory
Variant Stock
Your Store Logo
Admin search
How can I disable "search in description" in the search sidebox?
How do I put a search box in my site header
Nofollow links
Search related configuration settings
SEO Optimization
Storefront search
XML Site Map
Blocking probing activity
Download folder - Relocating
How Zen Cart uses cookies
Multi-factor authentication in Zen Cart
Passwords in Zen Cart
PCI Compliance Statement
Responding to a hack
Security Patches for Plugins
Security Patches for Zen Cart
Security Recommendations
Software Versions and why they are important
What is an SSL certificate?
Deleted product redirects
SEO Optimization
Other Topics
About Shipping Modules
FedEx Setup
Free Shipping
Individual Per Item shipping charges
Printing Shipping Labels
Shipping Calculations
Shipping Dimensions
Shipping Exceptions
Table Rate Shipping Module Setup
UPS Setup
USPS Setup
Zone Definitions for Shipping
Zones Module Setup
Adding a Link to the Information sidebox
Build your own sidebox
Categories sidebox
Display the search box in the header only
Displaying sideboxes for logged in visitors only
EZ-Pages sidebox
How do I add images to a sidebox?
How do I change the a sidebox title?
How do I rearrange sideboxes?
How do I show my documents in their own sidebox?
Information sidebox
More Information sidebox
Responsive Classic and Sideboxes
Suppressing sidebox display on specific pages
What sideboxes are available?
Sitemap - Admin Pages
Admin menu sections
All Configuration Settings
Configuration ≫ My Store
Configuration ≫ Minimum Values
Configuration ≫ Maximum Values
Configuration ≫ Images
Configuration ≫ Customer Details
Configuration ≫ Shipping/Packaging
Configuration ≫ Product Listing
Configuration ≫ Stock
Configuration ≫ Logging
Configuration ≫ E-Mail Options
Configuration ≫ Email
Configuration ≫ Attribute Settings
Configuration ≫ GZip Compression
Configuration ≫ Sessions
Configuration ≫ Regulations
Configuration ≫ GV Coupons
Configuration ≫ Credit Cards
Configuration ≫ Product Info
Configuration ≫ Layout Settings
Configuration ≫ Website Maintenance
Configuration ≫ Index Listing
Configuration ≫ New Listing (v1.x.x Only)
Configuration ≫ Define Page Status
Configuration ≫ Featured Listing (v1.x.x Only)
Configuration ≫ All Listing (v1.x.x Only)
Configuration ≫ EZ-Pages Settings
Configuration ≫ Options' Stock Manager
Categories Meta Tags Editor
Categories/Products (Products Level)
Products Meta Tags Editor
Product Types
Product Types ≫ Layout Settings
Products Price Manager
Option Name Manager
Option Value Manager
Attributes Controller
Downloads Manager
Option Name Sorter
Option Value Sorter
Featured Products
Featured Categories
Upcoming Products
Products to Categories
Manage Options' Stock
Options' Stock - View All
Installing, Editing and Removing Modules
Order Total
Plugin Manager
Customer Groups
Group Pricing
Order Display Options
Orders ≫ Invoice
Orders ≫ Packing Slip
Zone Definitions
Tax Classes
Tax Rates
Orders Status
Customer Orders-Total
Customers Referral
Products Low Stock
Products Purchased
Products Viewed
Sales Report with Graphs
Banner Manager
Banner Statistics
Define Pages Editor
Developer's Tool Kit
Install SQL Patches
Layout Boxes Controller
Newsletter and Product Notifications Manager
POSM Find Duplicate Models
Send Email
Server/Version Info
Store Manager
Template Selection
Who's Online
Coupon Admin
Coupon Creation
Coupon Restrictions
Gift Certificate Queue
Send a Gift Certificate
Gift Certificates Sent
Admin Profiles
Admin Users
Admin Page Registration
Admin Activity Logs
Admin Account
Record Artists
Record Companies
Music Genre
Media Manager
Media Types
Removing Music related menu items
Admin Dashboard
Admin ≫ Support link
Admin ≫ Version link
Admin ≫ Account link
Admin View Activity Log button
Admin ≫ New Version Available message
Sitemap - Storefront Pages
About Us Page
Accessibility page
Add to Cart
Ask A Question page
Brands Page
Category Listing Page
Checkout Shipping - Checkout Payment - Checkout Confirmation - Checkout Success pages
Conditions page
Contact Us page
Define Pages
Home Page
Listing Pages
Page 2, Page 3 and Page 4
Page Not Found page
Privacy page
Product Info Page
Product Listing Page
Reviews Page
Shipping and Returns
Shopping Cart Page
Site Map Page
Specials Page
Storefront Pages - A Complete List
How do I speed up my site?
Admin is slow or hangs forever
File upload limitations
GZIP compression
Webserver Tuning Tips
How do I set up a default tax class for new products?
Should I charge taxes? How much?
Tax calculations are wrong
Tax configuration in Canada
Tax configuration in the United States
Tax Inclusive Pricing
VAT setup instructions
Template System
What is a Template?
Basic Template Customizations
Template Overrides System
Accessibility Compliance Questions
Add image to sidebox or centerbox
Adding a tracking pixel
Bootstrap Template for Zen Cart
Can I use an image for a sidebox header
Columnar Layout for Category Listing pages
Columnar Layout for Product Listing pages
Creating the template_info.php file
Creating your own Template
Customizing your Site
Define Pages
Extra Pages
Font Awesome
How do I add links to the Header and Footer?
How do I enable "Customers Also Purchased" display?
How do I find the value of a configuration setting?
How do I remove and/or re-arrange the sideboxes?
How to rearrange the product info page
How to show/hide text?
Index Listing Configuration
JavaScript Customization
Left and Right Columns - turning them off
Listing Page Layout
Mobile or Desktop state?
New Listing - Featured Listing - All Listing configuration settings
New Listing - Featured Listing - All Listing configuration settings for Zen Cart v1.x.x
Other templates for Zen Cart
Page format in the storefront
Page types in the storefront
Pagination in Zen Cart
Privately testing a new template
Product Listing configuration settings
Responsive Classic Template for Zen Cart
Responsive Templates
Site Footer
Site Header
Switching templates
Template Default - what is it?
Template Images
Template Pages
Template Updates
Why does this plugin not work with Template Monster Templates?
Admin menu item is missing
Admin Password - Resetting or Changing
Admin password expired
Blank Page troubleshooting
Blocking Attacks
Can't login or stay logged in or add-to-cart
Communication Issues with UPS, PayPal, etc.
Constant already defined debug logs
Debug Logs
Diagnosing Obscure Issues
Email Troubleshooting
ERROR 0071 - There appears to be a problem with the database
Error 2006 MySQL server has gone away or 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query
Errorlog access
Fatal error from an undefined constant
HTTP response codes
I can't login to the Admin after installing Zen Cart
I've got TEXT_MAIN being displayed on my page
max_user_connections exceeded
Missing Log Files
My Site Seems To Be Down
No data in my store after moving hosts
Parse error: unexpected T_STRING (or similar)
PayPal Debug Logging
Products and Categories at the Same Level
Secure and nonsecure items
Shipping Problems
Sorry, the page you were attempting to access cannot be found
There seems to be a problem connecting to our database
There was a security error when trying to login
Understanding problems that occur after upgrading PHP versions
Warning: An Error occurred, please refresh the page and try again.
Warning: Headers already sent...
Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file
Warning: Your Admin login is not secure
What is STRICT mode for my database?
Why am I getting 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR messages?
Why am I getting 500 or 406 or 404 or 403 errors during product updates?
Why are my images distorted?
Why do my product names show up twice?
Why does my define page not show up in Define Pages Editor?
Upgrading - Reference Guide
Why should I upgrade?
Standard Upgrade - Recommended Procedure
Database-Only Upgrade Instructions
Character Sets
Checking available PHP Versions
Configuration Parameter Name Changes
Converting from iso-8859-1 to utf8 or utf8mb4
Could not upgrade to version X
Date standardization
Fixing broken tables
Incorrectly defined tables
Installer does not show an Upgrade button
JavaScript Libraries
Language Files - Shortcut
Long field indexes
Mixed Collation Errors
Multiple PHP Versions
Old database convertions script (deprecated)
PHP Errors, Warnings and Deprecated messages after upgrading
PHP Version and Configuration
Release Specific Upgrade Considerations
The PHP Lifecycle
Unknown column error after upgrade
Updating your PHP Version
Upgrading and Templates
Zen Cart Forum
Before you Post - how to ask a good question
Blocking posts from specific users
Code of Conduct
Commercial Help Wanted
Finding a Plugin
Forum Do's and Don'ts
How do I find the posts I (or another member) have made?
Private Messages (PM)
Signature Guidelines
Why can't I post?
Storeowner Docs - All Pages
Storeowner Docs
Sitemap - Admin Pages
More miscellaneous functions
Record Artists
Record Companies
Music Genre
Media Manager
Media Types
Removing Music related menu items
Do you have a suggestion for a FAQ? Please post it to
General Questions on the support forum
Last modified March 23, 2020 by Scott C Wilson