Retirement for a Payment Module

Disabling storefront access to a payment module while keeping its admin capabilities

Since 2.0.0, select payment modules may be put in a state between Enabled and Disabled called “Retired.”

Retired Status

Setting a payment module to “Retired” disables it so that new orders may not be placed with it, but still allows admins to process existing older orders which used that payment method.

Retirement is currently available for PayPal Express and PayPal Website Payments Pro to enable a smooth transition to PayPal RESTful.

Retirement Zen Cart versions prior to 2.0.0

Since the Retired state is not available for older releases, you need to change some code to disable the display of the older PayPal modules. Edit includes/classes/payment.php. In Zen Cart 1.5.8/1.5.8a, go to line 78. Change

              if ($class !='freecharger') {


              if ($class !='freecharger' && $class != 'paypaldp' && $class != 'paypalwpp' && $class != 'paypal') {

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Last modified February 9, 2024 by Scott C Wilson (d45f6ef).