Missing Log Files

What if Zen Cart does not write to the /logs folder?

By default, Zen Cart writes debug logs into a folder called /logs at the root of the store.

However, in some hosting environments like PHP-FPM shared, error logs are not written individually to the /logs folder.

For example, some hosts that use PHP-FPM configure logging to go to a single central file.

So instead of creating individual log files in /home/YOURACCOUNT/public_html/logs/

They append to a single log file, which is stored in


If you are missing log files, you’ll want to work with your hoster to see how they have configured logging.

You can determine if your host has you configured to run PHP-FPM by following the guidelines on the PHP-FPM page.

Still have questions? Use the Search box in the upper right, or try the full list of FAQs. If you can't find it there, head over to the Zen Cart support forum and ask there in the appropriate subforum. In your post, please include your Zen Cart and PHP versions, and a link to your site.

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Last modified August 30, 2022 by Scott C Wilson (6ebbb0a).