All Time Favorites
Once you know what Zen Cart is, you might want to know the answers to some of these other questions.
Add a Page - How do I add new pages to my store?
Add a Link - How do I add links to the Information sidebox?
Add a New Field How do I add a custom field to the products table?
Admin Password Reset - How to update your password if you have forgotten it.
Backup - How do I back up my store?
Black Question Marks - Why do I see a backwards black question mark on my site?
Blank Page - What to do if part or all of a page is blank.
Can Zen Cart do this? - Questions about features and capabilities.
Customizing my site - Changing the look and feel of your cart.
Demos - Are there online demos of Zen Cart?
Development environment - how do I set up a development environment for testing?
Documentation - Hints and examples for using this documentation
Downloading Zen Cart - Where do I download the Zen Cart software?
Emails are not being received - Trouble with email.
Forum issues - I can’t post to the Zen Cart forum.
Getting Started - I’m new - how do I learn Zen Cart?
Glossary - What do all these terms mean?
Hiring - How do I hire someone to do an upgrade or take care of my cart?
Installing Zen Cart - How do I install Zen Cart?
Known Bugs in Zen Cart (by version) - Has my bug already been fixed?
Log files - Learn about what they are, why you get them and how to fix them.
Logos - All about your store logo in Zen Cart.
Multiple Images per Product - Learn how to configure multiple product images.
Multiple versions of PHP - How to run multiple versions of PHP on a single server.
PayPal Standard (IPN) - why you shouldn’t use PayPal Standard and how to switch to PayPal Express.
Release History for Zen Cart - Timeline of when each version was released with links to release notes. (See also Security Patches).
Regular Maintenance for Zen Cart - What kinds of routine maintenance should I be doing?
Security Patches are released as issues are discovered. And don’t forget about template updates.
Server Requirements for running Zen Cart - Zen Cart version to PHP version compatibility matrix.
Service Status Page - Is the payment or shipping service I am using down right now?
Spam Traffic - Handling abuse of your site.
Templates and Overrides - How do I use them? Read the introduction, the details, and then the summary.
Time Zone - How do I make the store use my local timezone? It uses GMT now.
Upgrading Zen Cart - How do I upgrade my old cart? What Release Specific Upgrade Considerations do I need to know about?
UTF8 and UTF8MB4 - What is UTF8 and why do I need it?
Version Information - How to determine your PHP, MySQL and Zen Cart version numbers.
What’s New? - What’s the latest news on the Zen Cart project?
Why don’t I see my change? - I am making changes to an image / to CSS / to a page, and it’s not showing up!
Do you have a suggestion for a FAQ? Please post it to General Questions on the support forum.